Ultimate no-code template for non-tech teams, featuring no-code web app ___, configured database ___, and full automation ___
Get ready-made SaaS template for non-tech teams
Used by 50+ non-tech teams
The ready-made templates are entirely built using no-code tools:
Is the template right for you?
Discover who can benefit
Solo founders
Launch your product swiftly without coding skills, saving time and avoiding high development costs
Non-tech teams
Enable your non-tech team to build and manage products easily with no-code template, boosting efficiency
SMBs & agencies
Deploy affordable no-code solutions to streamline development and cut down on expensive costs
The ready-made template can be deployed in a few hours and is easy for non-tech users to manage. Say goodbye to months of development and massive budgets.
What SaaS ideas can you build with this template?
Mentorship Platform
Ex: ADP List, GrowthMentor
Tutoring Platform
Ex: Preply, iTalki
Freelance Platform
Ex: Upwork, Fiverr
Legal Advice Platform
Ex: Avvo, LawTrades
Recruitment Platform
Ex: Indeed, Glassdoor
Educational Platform
Ex: Coursera, Udemy
What no-code tools does a template include?
No-code web app
Deploy a fully functional SaaS product with our ready-made template built using Softr, a leading no-code builder tool. Get your idea up and running quickly without coding
Configured database
Our template comes with a pre-configured Airtable database, ensuring seamless integration and efficient data management. This setup simplifies data handling and supports smooth operations
Full automation
Experience complete automation with our SaaS template, featuring integration between Softr and Airtable via Zapier. This setup automates workflows and processes, minimizing manual intervention
Various user groups
Create multiple user groups such as mentor-mentee or teacher-student for versatile interactions
User-to-user chat
Allow users to send messages to each other easily, enhancing communication and engagement
AI Matching
AI to match users with another suitable users or resources based on profiles and needs
Edit profile information
Users can conveniently update and manage profile information directly within the platform
Booking & payment flow
Facilitate user bookings & payments for consultations seamlessly, integrated within the platform
Responsive design
Experience a fully responsive design across web, tablet, and mobile devices for optimal usability
Explore the features:
What's included in the template?
Fully developed logic (Ex: Mentorship Platfrom)
Includes all necessary pages and functionality to launch your SaaS product effectively and efficiently
Save months and budget on development
SaaS MVP Template
Full Access Rights: Complete ownership of all template components
Database: Configured database in Airtable
SaaS Web App: A ready-to-launch web app in Softr
Automation: Pre-built Zaps to automate workflows in Zapier
Chat Support: Dedicated assistance to help you succeed
80% off for first-time buyers
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Used by 50+ non-tech teams
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